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Meteorite Shower

Details Value
Name Meteorite Shower
Release Date July 1st, 2022
Last Updated July 3rd, 2022
Latest Version 1.0.0
License GNU GPL 3.0
Programming Language Python 3.10
Language English
Type GUI game
Copyright (c) 2022 Advaith Menon and Chandran Kumar
Repository GitHub
Installer Not Available

About “Meteorite Shower”

TL;DR A simple retro video game involving colleting of articles and avoiding obstacles. Something like Chrome’s T-Rex game in a vertical format.

The game was created in a two day cultural event (Sishya Hacks) at Sishyamrita - 2022. With zero knowledge of gaming development, the team learned fairly enough PyGame to create simple retro games.

You may ask, why PyGame and not Unity, when the latter is more feature-rich? The reason is because the developers involved in this project were Pythonistas, and we couldn’t learn C# + Unity in < 24 hours

Project Maintenance

As the developers are in a crucial academic year, they will not be devoting time to this project. However, they may consider improving it once that year is over.

Playing the game

This is a game where the player (the green ball which we call bob) has to excape from the stones/meteors falling on him.

He needs to get points by collecting falling apples(i.e by standing below the apple),and get lives by collecting the falling hearts.

Bob has two basic movements, left and right which is accessible by left and right arrow keys respectively, that he needs to use to excape from the falling stones.

Each game starts with 3 lives and a score of 0.

The one with the highest score wins!

Key Features

Installing the game

  1. git clone
  2. pip install pygame

Running the game

  1. py


Game Menu :

App Screenshot

Instructions Page :

Running game :

App Screenshot

Game at last life :

App Screenshot

Game Over Message :

App Screenshot