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CBSE Gazzete to Excel

Details Value
Name CBSE Gazzete to Excel
Release Date August 2nd, 2022
Last Updated August 2nd, 2022
Latest Version 1.0.0
License MIT
Programming Language Python 3.10
Language English
Type CLI
Copyright (c) 2022 AMSDC
Repository GitHub
Installer Not Available


  1. Install Python
  2. Install Git
  3. Run this command: git clone
  4. Run this command: py -m venv venv
  5. Run this command: venv\Scripts\activate
  6. Run this command: pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Run this command: pip install openpyxl


  1. Start a new Windows DOS Shell by starting CMD.EXE from the Start/ bash for Linux/macOS.
  2. Run venv\Scripts\activate or source ./venv/bin/activate
  3. Run py -h to see usage.